Jan Caha, MSc. Ing.                                 www.jan-caha.eu
+420 603 244 667
caha@stangler.cz                                   born: 1969



1987 –  1992: MSc. in  Physical Electronics and Microelectronics, Masaryk University, Brno. I graduated with award. Graduate work: superconducting layers and plasma technology


1992 – 1995: Bc. in International Trade, VSE Economic University, Prague
2021 – 2024: Ing. International Development  on Mendel University


1995 – 2000 (incl. 5 month military) BVV Invest a.s. as part of FINOP a.s. group: responsible for the export trade of the group. Since 1997 I also represented this holding as the member of board in former Strojobal a.s. : (bill./mld. CZK turnover) company becoming then a part of multinational Pechiney Group. Today as:  www.ardaghgroup.com


2000 – 2004 co-founding of our own (start-up) corporation together with university colleagues.  Our corporation acquired EU funding for starting companies through the JIC (South-Moravia Innovation Centre). It was soon acquired by foreign investor. ROmiLL was our main partner and supplier by then:

2004 – 2011 ROmiLL s.r.o.: as the Head of department for Power Electronics, Microwaves and Critical control - I was responsible for Business Development: Sales (mostly Export) and Project Management:   http://www.romill.cz/en/electro-engineering    (edited by me..)

2011 – 2014 for Unis a.s. and Svoboda s.r.o. (employment overlapped partly) I worked in Sales (mostly Imports) and/or Project management (Software localization). Simultaneously I consulted SW and so-called “Smart Homes” for Television and I also lectured for 2 terms.


2015 – 2017 Advanced Network Technology:  Head of partner companies network www.anet.eu indirect sales of HW.
2021 – 2024 International studies on Mendel University and Sarnelli Bohemia Inc.

Since 2024 reporter for the Proglas broadcasting covering the Christian issues.


Since 2013 grows family business duties: mostly HR stuff. In boards of Stangler Forestry and ZAS a.s. I supervise generation changes in forestry administration, urbanistics, agriculture etc. Studies on Flight School in Brno Airport terminated on PPL level injury that retired me prematurely in 2022. I am member of Canadian Chamber of Commerce.

I speak English, French and Russian. ICAO exam, Telecom certification, etc.
I am married with 2 adult sons. My
leisure activities are: Martial Arts & Sports (Karate, Systema), Aviation, Nature (forests and astrophysics), movies, publicistics, documets etc.
